The way we talk about our lives shapes what we experience, but most of us don’t realize how much our words hold us back. Jorge Perez, a Bestselling Author and Personal Development Expert, has spent decades studying how language impacts success. His “Shut the F Up” approach challenges everything we think we know about communication and manifestation.
Jorge reveals why we struggle to break old patterns—comparing it to trying to master calculus without learning basic math first. He shares practical ways to stop negative self-talk, cut out gossip, and rewire our speech for more success and abundance. His own journey, from deep personal loss to studying with some of the world’s top thought leaders, gives these lessons real weight.
In this conversation, Jorge discusses how words affect our mindset, the science behind it, and what small changes can create a massive shift. If you’ve ever wondered why some goals feel out of reach or caught yourself saying, “Why does this always happen to me?”—this episode is for you.
Key Timestamps
[00:00:00] Introduction.
[00:01:19] How can changing your words change your life?
[00:05:32] The social epidemic of complaining
[00:07:37] The hidden danger of ‘stealing’ experiences.
[00:10:58] Do not undermine the power of our words
[00:16:03] How Shut the F Up came to unfold for Jorge
[00:20:03] What we talk about constantly creates our life
Memorable Quotes
“We’re all into personal development and bettering ourselves. But I found a glitch in the system, which is we’re all leaving money on the table by not rewiring how we talk.” — Jorge Perez
“What we talk about constantly creates our life.” — Jorge Perez
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