Ranked among the 50 most influential people in India, Sadhguru is a yogi, mystic, and visionary. He has dedicated himself to the elevation of all people’s physical...
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Feeling like you’re a fraud who doesn’t belong? According to a new article published in the International Journal of Behavioral Science, seven in every ten people have...
“I wish people could get validation from their own journeys, not from the things that their journeys allow them to buy to make them look good to others.” The disruption...
Danette May is driven by passion and a powerful calling to serve Mother Earth and humanity. Our guest today inspires people around the world to step up into the true and...
Toxic masculinity has fast become one of the most prevalent social issues of our time. Men often silently check their ‘manly enough’ thermometer the moment they feel...
Have you ever had that moment in your life when you realized you’re not where you’re meant to be? And that you were stuck in a job that you were never meant to end up in...