“Knowledge is only knowledge when it is shared.”

Ever wish you could increase your productivity as if you have a second brain to take care of everything? That sounds strange, doesn’t it? Join one of the world’s foremost experts on productivity, Tiago Forte, as he shares with Jason Marc Campbell how you can “backup” your brain for higher output and more freedom than you ever thought possible.

Listen out for:

  • The mind-blowing idea of a second brain. 
  • The proven C.O.D.E productivity framework.
  • Best way to organize your notes. 
  • The big debate: paper notes vs digital notes.
  • How to make technology work for you.


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About Tiago Forte

Tiago Forte is one of the world’s foremost experts on productivity. He is the founder of the Forte Labs, an education company for professional development in the Information Age. Tiago’s mission is to help knowledge workers use design and technology to transform their productivity, elevate their performance and reframe their relationship to work. Tiago’s online course, Building a Second Brain, has been taken by more than 1,000 students from over 70 countries. The course draws on his experience in academic disciplines such as information science, practical fields such as user experience design, and his work with top organizations and leaders in Silicon Valley



The Mindvalley Podcast aims to bring to you the greatest teachers and thought leaders on the planet to discuss the world's most powerful ideas in personal growth for mind, body, spirit, and work.

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