“Help your children understand that there is always something under their control and always something out of their control.”

Now more than ever, kids need to feel understood and empowered by their parents. With social media being an inevitable part of their lives, they’ll probably experience insecurities, worries, and anxious thoughts from an early age. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Shefali and award-winning entrepreneur Renee Jain are here to help parents navigate such overwhelming issues. 

Listen out for: 

  • The only two ways you can get your kid open up.
  • The mindset shift parents need to make to help their children.
  • Physical symptoms of stress and anxiety in kids.
  • The Movie Theater Technique.
  • How to face your child’s imaginary fears.
  • Live Bonus Q&A Session. 


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About Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Endorsed by Oprah as “revolutionary” and “life-changing”, New York Times bestselling author and Clinical Psychologist Dr. Shefali is the foremost expert in the field of conscious parenting.

Dr. Shefali’s journey into this radically new parenting paradigm arose from her own experience as a parent herself. Reacting irrationally to one of her then 3-year-old daughter’s tantrums, Dr. Shefali became deeply self-aware that her parenting frustrations were never about her child. Rather, it was about her own unmet childhood needs that she was unconsciously projecting on her own daughter.

Merging western psychology and eastern philosophy, Dr. Shefali espouses a more conscious approach to parenting that centers around honoring our children as sovereign beings, creating real connections with them, and most importantly, raising our own consciousness as parents.



The Mindvalley Podcast aims to bring to you the greatest teachers and thought leaders on the planet to discuss the world's most powerful ideas in personal growth for mind, body, spirit, and work.

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