Your body language speaks volumes, often louder than words. In this episode, uncover how subtle movements and gestures can significantly influence attraction, leaving a lasting impression without saying a word. Linda Clemons, a Body Language Expert...
Category - Mind
Ready to embark on a transformative journey that will reshape your life in just minutes? Join us in this captivating episode as we unravel the secrets of hypnotherapy for long-term stress relief with the esteemed Paul McKenna, a true master of the...
Step into a world of profound transformation as we welcome Michael Beckwith, the spiritual luminary and best-selling author. Beckwith unpacks the power of embracing sadness as a gateway to unlocking your innate joy. The point is not to avoid or...
What if you could tap into the incredible healing powers of your mind simply by changing your thoughts? Today’s guest is Marisa Peer, a hypnotherapist and the author of Tell Yourself a Better Lie. In this episode, Marisa takes you on a guided...
“A certain degree of naivete or insanity is necessary to achieve the impossible, irrational, or improbable; without it, we’ll never move forward.” Get ready to be trained by one of the 50 greatest leaders on planet earth. Peter Diamandis...
“We give to others the power to determine our happiness and tranquility and do not even recognize that we have done so. How “free” are we really if we cannot sit quietly by ourselves for a half hour?” Is there an undercurrent of anxiety in...
Everything we think, feel, or do is dependent on our brain cells and how they interact with each other. Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor explains all there is to know about whole brain living and the 4 characters of our brain: how they show up in our daily...
Having the right mindset always helps you find the silver lining in every challenge. But the big question is — how do we achieve that mindset? Join us as we pick the brain of author and life Tim Storey to find out how. Grab a journal so you can...
Vishen And Danica Patrick
“The best way for people to connect is based on shared transformation.” Don’t get surprised if you feel like you are listening to an episode of Black Mirror! In this reverse episode with Mindvalley’s founder, Vishen Lakhiani, and American former...
“Ageing is massive disuse of the body followed by massive disuse of the brain.” Changing your negative thoughts and beliefs can not only make you look younger but also reverse your aging. You see, the words you use have a physical effect on your...