Take your suffering and turn it into your superpower.

This talk is brought to you from Mindvalley’s Reunion stage in Los Angeles 2019, Mindvalley founder Vishen Lakhiani reveals how we can use our pain and hardship as fuel to become our life’s mission and create something greater in the world.

Vishen explains the key difference between learning and transformation and how the clue for how we can contribute most to the world lies in our wounds. He shares the two rules to create the most powerful transformation and practical ways we can accelerate our growth, starting today.

When you take your suffering and figure out the stand it’s going to give you and how to put it into your life mission, the suffering disappears.

— Vishen Lakhiani

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why success is BS and why we should just be human instead
  • The 2 agents of transformation and how to accelerate our own as much as possible
  • Maslow’s pyramid of human needs and which level we need to aspire to
  • Global citizenship and the lie of national identity
  • R.O.S.E. and how (and why) to grow our own
  • The most selfish organ in the human body and what we can learn from it
  • How Mindvalley overtook on Nestle and why we need to take a stand against companies that are harming people and the planet
  • The Earth Flag and memetic inoculation against nationalism
  • How Vishen’s suffering turned into Mindvalley’s mission
  • The 2 rules to create the most powerful transformation

Suffering is the breadcrumbs to your mission. What is it going to make you stand for?

— Vishen Lakhiani

Get clear on how you can transform yourself and create an incredible impact in the world. Tune into Vishen today.

Resources and Mentions:

  • Rumi
  • Abraham Maslow
  • Sri Kumar Rao
  • Neale Donald Walsch
  • Mariam Williamson
  • Anodea Judith
  • Martin Luther King
  • Victor Frankl

Connect with Vishen:

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Learning is temporary, transformation is seeing the world in a radically different way.

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The Mindvalley Podcast aims to bring to you the greatest teachers and thought leaders on the planet to discuss the world's most powerful ideas in personal growth for mind, body, spirit, and work.

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