Category - Impact


Buddha vs Badass — Vishen Lakhiani

Would you rather have spiritual or material success? Why not have both? You don’t have to run away and live in a cave to be spiritual, and you don’t have to sell your soul to be successful.  In this special short episode, Vishen explains how it’s...

Ep 138 Vishen Short - Winners - Banner

Winners Are Not Realistic — Vishen Lakhiani

Can you think of problems that are worth solving? What do Walt Disney, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, and so many other brilliant visionaries have in common? They dream of solutions to problems that are worth solving and they’ve managed to rally amazing...


Vishen Lakhiani on The Employee Vision

What if companies were engaged with an employee’s vision of themselves? In the final episode of Vishen Lakhiani’s 4-part mini series on creating a powerful workplace culture, the CEO of Mindvalley shares the missing ingredient on why so many...


Vishen Lakhiani on Growth As a Goal

Have you ever wondered why your employees get stuck? In part 3 (of 4) of Vishen Lakhiani’s series on workplace culture, the CEO of Mindvalley reveals the only goal that matters (not only in the office but in every area of our life). He...