‘The future of work is people’ We are now living in a world that is moving toward automation and Artificial Intelligence, but does this mean that we will no longer need the human workforce? Or do we need them more than ever? To find out more about...
Category - Superhumans At Work
Win influence, beat overcommitment and get the right things done. With new technology, constant change, and far-flung virtual teams, getting things done at work is tougher and more complex than ever. But even amidst the chaos, there’s always...
How can you build a brand that appeals to people’s subconscious? Want to know what it takes to create a world-class brand? We invited the CMO of the world’s leading obstacle course racing company Spartan, Carola Jain, to show you how. Tune in to...
12 Months to $1 Million: How to Pick a Winning Product, Build a Business, and Become a Seven-Figure Entrepreneur – Ryan Moran
This is the road map to a seven-figure business . . . in one year or less. Today’s guest, Ryan Moran, has helped numerous new and experienced entrepreneurs launch scalable and sustainable online businesses. He’s seen more than 100 entrepreneurs...
#MeToo – A Guide To Address Sexual Harassment In The Workplace – Sarah Beaulieu
‘Up to 75% of people who experience sexual harassment do not report it.’ What if instead of avoiding uncomfortable conversations about sexual harassment, we could just get better at having them? In the wake of the #MeToo movement, employees and...
‘If you can’t persuade yourself, you can’t persuade anyone else’ Want to have the ability to persuade anyone instantly? Ever wondered how to earn people’s trust? Or how to change minds that were once set? These ‘powers’ aren’t unobtainable...
Team Burnout Is Real and This Is How You Can Stop It There has been a 60% increase in mental health issues at work. The unhealthy way in which companies are currently operating is not sustainable. Yet, many of us are beginning to envision a better...
How To Create Great Company Culture For A Multi-Generational Workforce – Mario Julio
‘Millennials love to take risks. They love to question things. They want to understand why.’ The generation gap in the workplace is becoming more and more prevalent in today’s times. Resulting in a huge contrast of outlooks, opinions, beliefs...
The Rise of The Humachine: Humankind, Machines, and the Future of Enterprise – Nada Sanders
‘It is completely misguided to think that technology will replace our workforce.’ Join us for another gripping interview with the author of ‘The Humachine’, Nada Sanders, where we discuss the future of humankind and machines. Tune in to find out how...
How To Manage Distractions And Unleash Extraordinary Results Using This Productivity Tool – Dr John DeMartini
How do successful people manage their time and stay hyper-productive? How often do you struggle with procrastination? Ever wondered how the Elon Musk’s and Steve Jobs’ of the world stay hyper-productive amidst a myriad of distractions? You are...